European researchers analyze environmental impact of new III-V/Si tandem solar cell technology
Monday, November 09, 2020
Electricity from solar panels will be a major pillar of a sustainable energy system, and in view of the climate goals, the transformation of our energy system requires a major growth in PV installation. Silicon solar cells which dominate the markets worldwide have seen a tremendous cost reduction, at the same time their efficiency has increased to a level which reaches the theoretical limit of the material.
Could batteries provide peaking capacity on the grid?
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
One key emerging application is providing storage for peaking capacity on the grid—which is the focus of the new report The Potential for Battery Energy Storage to Provide Peaking Capacity in the United StatesPDF by NREL’s Paul Denholm, Jacob Nunemaker, Pieter Gagnon, and Wesley Cole.
Le rinnovabili in Italia subiscono un nuovo boom
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Con l´introduzione di un nuovo schema di incentivazione e un decreto da approvare dall` Unione Europea e i ministeri Italiani si puó aspettare una fase di ripartenza delle rinnovabili in Italia. Tutte le tecnologie verranno incentivate.
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